Summed up.

Joshua sMile
2 min readJul 18, 2021

I’m really not liking the way; in fact, it has always felt unnatural like I was being schemed. No scammed. A plan but suppose I was in school. Around my mom. Or someone who was supposed to be my wife. What a preponderous life. It is strife. Tons and a lot each day they circle these dead vultures and they smirk. And this quirk is that if they do any more damage to me then realize it. I hope this is it. I suppose it is time to move on. Time waits for no one. Time waits for no I won. Time is known. Despite all of the mind-fuckery. Despite every bait and switch being a work of art, there is one thing you all could not assuage and trick. That is you.

I can tell when things are off. You can tell when you are off. So why hide I thought you were running with the wolves tonight? This is such a great feat. The logistics invested could have saved countless counts, a few proctors, and bankers and doctors. Be happy. You were depressed. I stress that I was happy with hard work and the table scraps of love.

Everything that was said by you all is untrue. Every promise that you made is untrue. Has not happened. So, kill me. And break your winning streak on doing what you say.

Hip-Hopracy. I’ve lied. I’ve gamed systems. And people. It usually hurt me. But I've never perpetuated this amount of deception upon the world. The masses. The victim and victimless. Victory is ours. Hours and days which time zone are we on. Meet me on the trail. It’s going down.

I know the extent and how dreadful this must be. At first it was something about thanks for the more time given. For the staving off of the unavoidable. To the void regrettable. Unsurmountable. Indivisible. With libations and no-justice for almost all.

Fall, on your knees. And hear…. the angel voices.

